When you desperately want something , GO for it.
don't be afraid, and don't let anything or anyone stop you.
There's a REASON you want it...
Whatever you desire MOST in this life...CAN be yours.
if only you believe...
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
so if you have a good heart, and believe that you are happy, rich, and successful, then it will done...
and if you doubt that...
God HIMSELF said these words:
"Son, thou art ever with me, and ALL THAT I HAVE IS THINE."
I think people FORGET who they originally come from.
Your mother and your father are not your TRUE parents.
God is.
Your mother and father cannot DO the things God can...
So imagine; if YOU come from Him, Infinite Knowledge, Infinite Wisdom...tell me now...What is it that you think you CANNOT do?....
You can do everything and MORE...
Like father LIKE son...
think about that...
& its no secret; God says it OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER...
but we don't LISTEN. We don't take the time to READ BETWEEN THE LINES.
Just listen to Him, He's telling you all the time, constantly trying to get you to OPEN UP what is locked away INSIDE you...
Learn your background...KNOW who you REALLY come from. We are ALL orphans living together...
When you LEARN & ACCEPT that...you'll NEVER doubt yourself again....Once you KNOW who your true Father is...you'll begin to BELIEVE..
...and believing is the first step in unlocking what is hidden inside you.