"Whatever you believe with feeling; becomes a reality."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Confession: Even though I'm 23 years old; I'm obsessed with the Disney channel. Call me crazy, call me childish, i don't care, i love me some Disney Channel.
Every day when I come home, my TV is set to the Disney channel. I love their shows! When I used to live with Nikki, back in Georgia, everyday when Symphonee would come home from school, we would watch Disney shows together. It was so relaxing, and so much fun, because even though the shows are intended for kids, their extremely entertaining, even for adults! But my favorite was always Cole and Dylan's show, 'The Sweet Life of Zack and Cody.' Lol i love those twins! (I think, i just love twins in general!) Me and Symphonee used to fight over which one belonged to who! Lol i always prefer Cody! To me, Cody was always the hottest because he was more nerdy, and dork-ish. Zack on the other hand, was the funny one, the player, the 'cool' one. Which is why i prefer Cody. (Eh, what can i say, i love my nerds! I'm faithful to them!)
 I liked them ever since i saw one of their first movies, 'Big Daddy,' that's when i fell in love with them. And now look at them, all grown up! Funny thing is, i always knew those boys would grow up to be sexy as hell! And as usual, i was right, because now look at them....sexy, AND rich as hell!