"Whatever you believe with feeling; becomes a reality."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

HELLO? Movie studios...if your not to busy, can we get a RELEASE DATE?!...
My question is, when the frick is this movie coming out????
Shit! you know how eager i am to see it!?
...I wanna know when its coming out, so i can prepare the boot-leggers on da block to boot-leg my ass a copy A.S.A.P!
No! i'm totally kidding, i'd happily pay money to see Ben Barnes beautifulllllllllllllllll face on a big screen...
(omg what a face...BEST thing about this face is the little beauty mark under his right eye.)
Actually, alot of people don't know my obession with Ben Barnes.
well, they don't know because i don't post or talk about him much...but the truth is, i'm MORE obsessed with him, then i am with Bill, or Tom, or Henry Cavill, or anyone else in the movie/entertainment business.
and the reason i haven't posted much about Ben Barnes is, ONCE I START, I WON'T STOP!

but i WILL post about Ben Barnes...very..very soon...