"Whatever you believe with feeling; becomes a reality."

Saturday, June 5, 2010

...Maybe I'm missing something?

When people first hear about 'the Beatles,' they automatically think great music. Which i can 100% agree with! But...for the women who say “...those are some sexy looking men..” that is the part where i get confused and begin to question my taste in men...because in my eyes, those are four UGLY looking men!


And i know that sounds very shallow of me, but DAMN! When God was giving out good looks, all four of them must of been in the BACK of the line talking and standing...And usually, in a band, there's always at least ONE cute one...at least! but with them? There's NONE.

To me, 'The Beatles' are the perfect example that you don't have to be good-looking to be successful.

I know back in the day, chicks used to go crazy over them, i mean really crazy over them, and for what? I could understand they got good music, hell yeah. But looks? C'mon now. Would you like to wake up next to that face in the morning? I think not.

But here's the GOOD news; for all you men and woman out there who think you'll never make it because you don't feel you are attractive enough to make it in this shallow world we live in, don't worry. there's always hope. Take my advice, buy a poster of 'the Beatles' of eBay and tape it on your bedroom wall, and every night before you go to bed, after you pray, look at your poster and let your last thought for the night be, “If their ugly asses can make it, then SO CAN I!”