"Whatever you believe with feeling; becomes a reality."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Someone messaged me the other day and asked me why is it that I don't actually 'write' anymore?
Truth is, I've been a mess lately so I'm suffering from bit of writer's block.

I'm kind of...well, to be completely honest, i can't find my mood.

I'm up and down these days. My emotions are not elevated, so my equilibrium and my balance is all of.

And when that happens, my writing always suffers.

When your under stress, and when your not balanced, it always shows.

I don't know how it is for other writers; but for me, when I'm not balanced, my writing tends to be all over the place. I usually write articles. Meaning there's a topic, and i write ONLY about that topic. But lately, my attempts to write have failed, because i always end up going of topic, which makes my article look like 'free-hand' writing. The problem with me is, when i can't locate my mood, i can't locate a topic i feel strongly enough about. And i can't write a proper article unless i feel strongly about the topic. Passion is what makes work shine. And lately, i haven't felt passion for anything.

Work started back, and school started back. And for school; it's now a short semester, so i have to cramp classes, so my head has just been all over the place lately. Which i think is contributing to my writers block. My mind can't settle down long enough to concrete on a topic.

It sounds crazy, but it's true.
The greatest actor of all time, Marlon Brando once said, “Acting is easy; writing is hard.” And he was right.

It's not easy to write. A lot of people think its easy to write. But contrary to belief, it isn't as easy for it looks.

First to begin; Your mind has to be balanced, and clam, and it has to remain that way long enough to finish what you begin writing. Anyone who does meditation knows how difficult it is to keep your mind still and clam.

Second: Before you begin writing, you have to KNOW what your going to write about. It's better to know before hand, so you can ponder and think about it before you begin to write. Also, you have to remember quotes and facts. If you know me, you know that I always have a yellow sticky pad with me. Quotes, sentences, and facts rarely come to you WHILE your writing. They always come at random times through out the day. A lot of the times, writers go blank when they put the pen to the paper. Hence the reason, I use sticky pads to jot notes down through out the day. So when i do sit behind this lap-top, the words flow.

And last but not least: TIME. You have to set time aside to write. And lately, that's been a big problem for me, because I'm juggling so many things at once. But even though I'm so busy, I still try to write because it's one of the few things in my life that relieve my stress. My counsellor always encourages me to write, and not stop, because she knows once I stop, I become a mess and look for other (dangerous) ways to relieve my stress. But as i said, you NEED to find the time to write. And time, is something people rarely have.

But don't worry, love.
Writer's block doesn't last forever...

From past experiences, I've noticed when a writer suffers from writer's block, usually, they come back better then ever! :)