"Whatever you believe with feeling; becomes a reality."

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Meet Mr. Downer...

Last night I had a writing class, but for some reason, my allergies began acting up once I entered the building. I don't know what caused me to get a major allergy attack, but something in the air must of triggered it of. I couldn't breathe, my nose kept running, my head was stuffy, I was just a mess last night. It got so bad, I had to leave class an hour early. (I also left early because my class-mates kept staring hard at me. Apparently my running nose and sniffles was distracting them. Oopz! Oh well, its not my fault i couldn't breathe!)

As I was leaving, I stopped at the snack machine, and brought some skittles [the purple pack!] && Afterwards, I looked around, picked a nice, warm spot, and sat down on a bench...alone. I was feeling so relieved once i left the building, mainly because i could breathe again. I was so relaxed. I didn't even pull out my phone to talk or text. I was just me and God, enjoying the fresh Caribbean air together.

That is...UNTIL some random boy came and sat next to me.

At first i thought, “Cool. No biggie.” But then this random boy, this stranger, decides to ask me a bunch of questions about the tattoo's on my arms. And it was at that moment I said to myself, “DAMNIT my arm tattoos always give people an excuse to talk to me! People always tend to start a conversation with me because of these tattoo's. Gosh...(You know, sometimes when you really don't feel like talking, especially to a stranger. & its a fact that once you give them a answer to ONE question, then that just opens the conversation up for MORE questions! And i HATE being asked questions; I hate having to answer to people. Especially people i do not know.)

So anyways, dude kept on talking and talking. And while he was talking, I noticed he is one very depressing person. And I do not do depressing people. From that one little conversation, I gathered that in his mind, the world is against him. He was talking about how the school messed up his schedule, and how he used to have a job at a factory, where you could come to work dressed however you want, and the bosses and employee's cuss at each other like crazy. And while he's talking, I'm looking at him disgusted like “...THAT is the kind of job you want?” What a loser. A fucking low-life. I'm sorry, if someone tells me stupid shit like that, in my mind, you have no kind of class about you. You basically want to get paid for doing nothing. No ambition, no goals, no dreams, nothing. You just want to settle. How unattractive! No man in their right man would admit that to a woman. Something must be terribly wrong with him.

As he continued talking, I pulled out my phone and started texting everyone in my phone starting from A to Z. And to make it worst, he questioned me and asked me, “Why am I out of class?” and telling me how i shouldn't be out of class because I'll miss important facts. First off, the minute he did that, my mood change and immediately I got fed up of him and his lame conversation tactics. Plus, last time i checked, i have a father, and my father knows not to question me. I HATE when people take it upon themselves to tell me what to do, or scold me in a way. And that was his tone. He's so retarded because I told him before hand that my allergies were acting up, and his dumb ass still wanna tell me i should be in class. I looked at him with a hard stare and was like “...I just said I can't breathe in there? How am i gonna stay somewhere i can't breathe?” and then the fool still want to over-ride my answer and prove his point. He's one of those personalities where he expects people to answer him. Not me. He got the wrong fucking one. He's authoritative. I HATE authoritative people.

But all hope wasn't lost, because out of no-where, Justin pulled up! (Justin is my lawyer friend, my sweet-heart, he's one of the guys I met while going to school there.) So he pulled up, and as soon as i saw him get out his car, i called him over to me, in hopes he could maybe pretend to be superman and save me from disaster. But no, he didn't. As fast as he came, he left with the same speed. =/

After Justin drove off, i called him and told him about my unpleasant company, and he just laughed at me and said, “Pretend you have gas, just inhale a bunch of air, and then hopefully, it'll gas you up, and just start farting...then maybe the guy will leave you alone. Or start scratching your crotch and say something like, “Wow, this rash is really getting out of hand!” Maybe then he'll leave you alone...or maybe, just maybe...why don't you just do what a normal person would do, and just politely excuse yourself from the conversation...”

I thought about it for awhile, but no way! i wasn't excusing nothing because my ass touched that bench BEFORE his! He should be the one to leave!

I'm usually always friendly, and never rude to people; but you see when i come across as a 'depressing ' person. I turn into a monster. I refuse to feel sorry for people who complain, and who whine about everything in their life. i REFUSE to converse with negative people, which is why i pulled out my phone and began ignoring him. People who have a negative mind-frame, and those kinds of people who always think the world is against them. Those fuckers are in for a worst fate, because little do they know, they BRING misery to themselves with THAT negative mind frame! Those kinds of people better stay far, far, farrrr away from me, because i HATE dealing with their kind. That kind of mentality is such a sickness and its so contagious! Anyone can catch it, and no-one is immune from it.

The thing is, you don't know when your dealing with a person like that until you hear them talk. That's why I prefer to be a “listener.” I hate being the one to talk. (Maybe that's why i turned out to be a writer. And maybe that's why i write so much. I have things to say, but i don't want to talk it. I prefer to write it.)

But truthfully, people love to be heard, and if you give a person a chance, their tell you their whole life story. And then afterwards, when its all said and done, that's when you can identify who they are, or what they are about.

*Advice of the day: If you just meet someone, always let them be the one to talk first. Let them start of the conversation. And then ask yourself, “Do i really want this kind of person in my life?”