"Whatever you believe with feeling; becomes a reality."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Speaking from the Heart...
I'm not a follower, and I'm not a leader. I'm just a person who goes her own way, in hopes that no-one is following behind her. Don't follow me. I can't be held responsible for anyone who chooses to see the logic in my ways. I know why I do what I do; but I don't know why you do what you do.

That's the God honest truth. What makes sense to me, may not makes sense to you. Which is why, you shouldn't do things i do. How I think, you shouldn't think. I may look at a pile of nonsense, and find the sense in it. You may not.

It's so unwise to copy someone else ways, or mimic their ways of thinking, because each of us grew up differently, and each of us have different values, and morals we choose to live by. And what I do, you may not like, but who are you to question or judge? Are you God? Are you trying to fill God's shoes by taking His job? As I recall, God made it clear that ONLY He is to judge. Everyone knows God is a jealous God, and as much as He loves us humans, there's no way in hell, He'll ever trust us enough to allow us to judge each other...Reason being is, nobody knows a person the way God knows a person. We cannot see into someone's heart, only He can. Hence, the reason why He said, “Do not be quick to judge others.” In your eyes, someone may do something so stupid, and so dumb; but after all is said and done, you have NO IDEA why that person did what they did. And furthermore, that person does not owe you a explanation. That person does not have to tell you why he or she did what they did. You are not God, and a person does not have to confess ANYTHING to you.

But I promise you this, that person did what they did, for a reason.

A human being never does anything without first having a reason to do it.
Behind every action, is a reason.

Never judge, or question the choices a person chooses to make. You don't know what their going through, or what they been through. And weather you realize it or not, your just as lost and confused as they are.

They say the truth hurts, well here is the truth; YOU are just another human being trying to find your way through this life. And YOU are just as fucked up and guilty as the next person.

Everyone wants 'truth.'
Well there's the fucking truth...can you handle it? Or will you break?