"Whatever you believe with feeling; becomes a reality."

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Currently watching 'The Tudors' Season 2 and all I can think is, “Where is Henry Cavill?”
 That is my only compliant when watching this show. Everything else is fine, except the fact that they don't show Henry Cavill enough. And i know its not just me, because I've heard other people complain about the same problem.

When i first started watching this show, I only watched it because Johnathon Rhys Myers was playing King Henry. And at that point, Johnathon Rhys Myers was the best thing about this show...that is, until Henry Cavill came on the TV screen. After that my attention and reason for watching the show shifted and went into a whole different direction. I used to think the sex scenes with Johnathon Rhys Myers was intense, but then I saw some sex scenes with Henry Cavill, like the eposide with him and King Henry's sister on the boat! wow, HOTT.
(The first time I saw this scene, I got so excited, I didn't know what to do with myself, so I just started rolling around the bed, until eventually I ran out of space and rolled OFF the bed! LMAO! && Yes, I'm one of those people who get REALLY into movies/t.v. shows.)

I actually first saw Henry Cavill in the movie, 'Triston and Isolde.' (which by the way was an awesome movie!) James Franco played the main character Triston, while Henry Cavill played the supporting role as Triston's brother. And just like in 'The Tudors,' my attention shifted from the main actor to the supporting actor Henry Cavill. He has great screen presence. Which is why I don't understand why the directors and producers of the show don't give him more screen time.

Ask any girl who watches any Henry Cavill movies, and I bet they'll ask the same question, “Where is Henry Cavill?”

*Fun fact: Henry Cavill can speak 9 different languages.*

If that isn't sexy, then i don't know what is. Because when I heard his sexy ass has a talented tongue, and could speak 9 languages, that automatically made me consider him as the role of my 'Mr. Right' a.k.a my Prince Charming in the flesh! (well, my version!)
Think about it; he has an accent, he's English, he's tall, he has dark hair and blue eyes, he's smart, and best of all he can speak multiple languages.

You gotta admit, that is quite impressive. ;]

Can we say, "...the Dream Man!?"