Hmm, interesting....very interesting.
You know the strangest thing I've seen? I've seen atheist patients who claim to not believe in God, beg and say God's name over and over while having their breakdown.
Usually, atheist people do not speak of God, or say His name unless its to bash Him, or make fun of Him. But when all else fails, and they realize they have no-where to go, nothing to do, and no-one to save them, something inside cries out to God.
And the sad part is; as much as atheist people bash God, when they need help, or need to be saved, that same God they disclaim and make fun of doesn't pretend not to hear them. He doesn't ignore their cries.
Back in Florida, at 'New Horizon,' there was once a time when an [atheist] patient was being held down by the guards because he was behaving 'insane.” and because he was being held down, he couldn't help himself or free himself. Which made him behave more insane because he was being physically restricted. And because he was being physically restricted, his state of mind became even more insane. So being that he felt so helpless, physically and mentality, he screamed God's name and begged for help. After he did that, the guards loosened their hold on the man, because immediately he calmed down. Something inside of him, calmed down. The doctors, the nurses and even the other patients looked at each other confused, but I wasn't confused. His mind calmed down because he said four very small words, “Oh God, HELP me...” and once he said that, his mind instantly calmed down. Which eventually lead his body to calm down. And that is why the guards let him go.
There's power behind words....especially words surrounding God.
He was freed, because He asked for God's help.
There's alot of people who claim to not believe in God, but sometimes thats a front. Sometimes, DEEP down, underneath all the denial and disappointment; there is STILL a small dime drop of hope, and faith. A lot ot the times, its there without them even knowing.
As a person who strongly believes in God. I find it heart-breaking to come across an atheist person. Before, I used to get angry, because how dare them not acknowlege God. But now, I just pity them. I truly feel sorry for them, because their heart will never be at peace. I've met SO MANY people in my life who claim to not believe in God, and none of them have been happy. (I know that is 'generalizing' people, but that is from MY experience.) I guess that is why in the Bible, it says to pray for those who do not believe, because they'll never know God, and they'll never find out HIS personality. and thats the sad part, because once you UNDERSTAND His personality, you'll never look for external acceptance or approval from ANYONE else.
I do pray for those people who do not believe. Mainly because I know once a atheist returns to God, not only will THEY be happy, but I know God will be estastic knowing that another lost child has been found.

Jerry: "...Why do you think God hasn't given up on us yet?..."
Ella: *pause* "I think it's because He has SO much FAITH in man-kind. And I think because He's so strong, He knows WE are also so strong, (even though we may not know it) I also think He truly believes that there's still SOME good left in all of us...."
Jerry: "..You really think so?"
Ella: "I hope so...He made us, He knows what we're capable of...and what we're NOT capable of....maybe all hope isn't lost...I think if ALL hope was lost, He would intervene. I think He would step in and say, "enough IS enough!" But I don't think He's done that yet, because obviously, we're stronger then we THINK...if we couldn't handle it, then He would take control of the situation...but He hasn't yet...because He knows man-kind can endure this..."