"Whatever you believe with feeling; becomes a reality."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

you know what I'm waiting for?

i bet you'll never guess.

I'm waiting for that glorious day when Jesus Christ comes and saves us all. (well, saves those who need to be saved.)

that's the day I'm waiting for. I'm anxious for that day to come because i wanna leave this hateful world and go with God. I'm tired of walking amongst Stan and his followers. close minded & judgemental people who are reading this and thinking that I'm suicidal, think again, because I'm not. I'm just wise enough to know that NOTHING and NOBODY walking this Earth will make me happy the way God will. and I'm tired of searching and wandering the Earth feeling hopeless, and helpless. I'm tired of the burdens this world causes me to feel every waking minute.

i want out.

most people fear the day when the Lord comes again, they're scared because they're hearts are filled with evil, and they know they've done wrong, and they probably haven't, or don't intend on asking God for forgiveness, so they're unsure of where they're going. that's why they're scared. they ask themselves, "Will God remember me? or not?" I'm not afraid, because I've asked that question time and time again, and i know the answer. He will remember me. that's why I'm looking forward for the day He comes. i have nothing to fear, because I KNOW i live my life the BEST way that i can. I'm good to people, i care for people, i never give up on people, even when they give up on themselves. i do a good job in following Jesus. of course, i have my faults and flaws, I'm tainted just like the rest of you, but the only difference is, i TRY. i try SO HARD to be a good person. i try so hard to follow Jesus. and most importantly, i try to abstain from ALOT of things that you people do on a daily/nightly basis. because i know that those things aren't WORTH the gamble. it's not worth me jeopardizing my relationship with God. I'd be a hypocrite if i pray to God and tell him how i want to follow Him, and do better, but then day, I'm having sex with a boyfriend, or putting evil thoughts in my head. I'd be a hypocrite. that's why Jesus says you can't have two masters. you have to give up one, you can't have both. you just can't. it's either you follow the world, or you follow God. i choose to follow God.
i feel like the walking dead. I'm not living now, I'm just getting by, but i know when God comes and saves me from all this evil, that's when my life will BEGIN. I'm ready for that life...

i want out of this one.