So everyone knows that the oldest Jonas brother just got married, right?
& of course, thanks to (my boo) Russell Brand, everyone knows the Jonas brothers are virgins. (which i think is a good thing, I'm all for their purity rings!)
& since Kevin Jonas (the oldest one, a.k.a the 'unattractive' one) just got married, obviously, he had a honeymoon, which meant, homeboy finally got some nookie for the first time.
you would think he'd be excited to do what boys his age normally do, but no. he wasn't.
do you know what he said afterwards, he said, "To be honest about it, sex was not worth the wait." after that he added, "After we did it, I was kind of like, that's it?"
LMFAO! wow, i would be so embarrassed if my husband said that. no, actually, i'd be pissed of if my husband said that! and he didn't even say it to close friends and family, he said it to his fans!
that's a shame. poor thing, in time they'll learn in time how to improve their sex life. (hopefully!) if not, i guess we'll be hearing about their divorce soon!
no, shame on me, i shouldn't say that. sex isn't everything.
then again, sex isn't everything, but it's a big part, especially in marriage.
well, to me it is.
maybe some couples are satisfied with a sex-less marriage. who knows, i guess it's different for everyone.
but sex is important to me b/c i need to feel that 'passion.'
for me, passion is everything. i think sex is important if you want a stable & strong marriage. you need to have that intimate connection with your husband or wife. & usually, you feel that connection during sex.
good luck Mr. & Mrs. Jonas! ;]
pratice makes perfect!