1) Get to know yourself.
-People these days wanna know everything, BUT themselves. find out what you like, then find out what you don't like. find out who you are. once you know who you are, life will be so much easier. You'll be able to think more clearly and make good choices b/c you'll know if something is for you, or if something isn't for you.
2) Let go of the past.
-Forgive yourself for whatever past mistakes. then thank God they happened because those mistakes made you the person you are today.
3) Be careful who you believe.
- 90% of the words that come out of people mouths are lies. don't believe everything you hear. think before you talk, think before you trust, and think before you believe.
4) Stop bad karma.
- The only way to stop bad karma is to stop doing wrong onto others AND yourself. sometimes, you can't help but make a bad choice, after all we're only human. just don't do wrong on purpose. use your God given common sense to save you from making mistakes.
5) See yourself 5 years from now.
- Dare to dream. And after you dream, be brave enough to start working towards those dreams. the first step is always the hardest, but JUMP! make that move, once you start, you'll continue moving, picture a ball, once you push the all, it continues rolling. all you need is that push. so push yourself, surround yourself around other people can give you a little push every once in awhile, don't hang around negative people who want you to stop moving forward, you don't need them. make plans, and prepare for your future. if you want something, then go get it. work hard for it, and then when you get it, ENJOY IT.
6) Understand that It's okay to struggle.
- We all struggle. each and everyone of us. we ALL have battles and inner demons to deal with. if your struggling now, and you feel completely hopeless, don't give up. everyone reaches that point where they just want to quit on themselves, but God won't quit on you. when your too tired to walk, He'll carry you. He'll give you the strength to go on, even though you don't want too. when you feel like you can't go on, just stop, and break a break. go into solitude, and rest. away from people, away from technology, away from it all. just REST. give your mind time to heal itself. we all need a time out every once in awhile, God knows we can't be strong 24/7, no matter how hard we try. just take a break, but don't quit.
7) ACCEPT that there ARE people who LOVE YOU.
- After all these years of living, I've noticed one of the hardest things to do as humans is to accept the fact that we deserve to be loved. A lot of the times, when we feel someone loves us, we tend to distant ourselves from them, b/c we're unsure. or when someone tells you they love you, we automatically think, they must be lying. or we question their love, we think, 'they don't even know me, the real me, so how can they possibly love me?" A lot of the times, instead of being appreciative towards those who love us, we become defensive. deep down, we feel as if we don't deserve their love. but you do. you deserve to be loved.