"Whatever you believe with feeling; becomes a reality."

Monday, March 15, 2010

It was never supposed to be this way....

“This will be the worst time of suffering since the beginning of the world, and nothing this terrible will ever happen again. If God doesn't make the time shorter, no one will be left alive. But because of God's chosen ones, He will make the time shorter."
Matthew (24.49;21)

Today, As I read that Bible passage, I was automatically blown away by it.

When I first read that, I felt as if Jesus was sitting down talking directly to me about this day and age.
This scary, horrible, disgusting day and age we all live in, where nothing seems to go right. We've lost our souls and forgotten our values. We're unsure of ourselves, and we've gotten so bad, that we've forgotten who the Father is.

It's true when they say we're living on the Devil's land.
(For those of who don't know, when God casted Satan out of Heaven, where do you think Satan came? He came to earth.
& Don't we [humans] live on earth? Exactly. Do you see where I'm going with this? We're basically sharing a room with the devil.)

Man, it's harddd. I know every generation says that; but for some reason, people of today are struggling more then ever.

Matter of fact, not only people are struggling, nature is also struggling.
Day by day our ozone layer is slowly deteriorating, our land is being torn apart and spit into pieces by earthquakes. Our sea's are rising up against us during tsunami's. And as time goes on, water and food supply become less and less.
 Saddest part of all this is, when each earthly disaster strikes, lives are taken. Millions of lives are lost, & more and more innocent children become orphans...All because of the state we're in.

People, when will you realize, we can't help ourselves anymore.

Family cannot help us, friends cannot help us, government cannot help us. Only Jesus and His Father God can help us. Nobody else. We've tried everything else, and it's failed us!

We need God, now more then ever.

So my fellow family, friends, bloggers, strangers, if God chooses to makes this time on earth shorter, then I'm with him on it. I won't fight, and say, “I want to stay longer!”

No. I won't dare say that to Him, because if I did, I'd be lying.

I'm tired of sharing a room with the devil. I'm ready go back home to my Father.

This sleep-over with the devil has lasted too long, and i just want to go home. I want to be at peace.


End our suffering Lord...and let thy will be done.