"Whatever you believe with feeling; becomes a reality."

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

'Meet Joe Black.'......More like 'Fall in love with Joe Black.'

I forgot how good this movie was. Yesterday morning, in work, Shakira and I were looking up different kinds of movies of the interent, and she mentioned this one. Of course, we both had seen it. But i haven't seen it in so long. So today, as soon as i woke up, i threw some clothes on and went straight to the DVD store and brought the 'Meet Joe Black' DVD.
Fast forward couple of hours...

I just finished watching it and my shirt is soaked from crying.

To me, that's how i can tell if a movie is good. If a movie can move my emotions and bring me to tears, then in my book, that's a good movie! (Then again, I've just become so emotional these days. Its like any little thing makes me cry!) But whatever, that's always been my method on judging the quality of movies. And i don't just use that method on romantic or sad movies. Not at all! As i said, I cry for everything, so sad movie, happy movie, killer movie, romantic movie, drama movie; if you can make me cry, then shit, you getting a thumbs up!

But with this movie, 'Meet Joe Black,' its the ending of the movie that brings me to tears.

Actually, you know what i think made me cry the most? The fact that at the end of the movie, Joe Black, (a.k.a the Angel of Death) RETURNS the guy from the coffee shop. (Long story short, the Angel of Death needed a body, so he stole the body of a man who Susan meet and liked in the beginning of the movie.) I thought it was sweet to return the man to Susan, because he could of just left. But he gave Susan back the man she thought he always was, because he wanted her to be happy, even if it wasn't with him. Funny thing is, the entire time, she thought she was in love with the man she met at the coffee shop, but it wasn't him, it was the Angel of Death.

The man at the coffee shop, and the Angel of Death had VERY different personalities. The man at the coffee shop was super friendly, and sassy; whereas, the Angel of Death's personality was more clam, polite, and quiet. Another thing that made me cry was the fact that the Angel of Death didn't know how to act human-ish at times. Because he was new to being her father said his goodbyes, she then realizes who Joe Black really is, and why he acted so strangely. The saddest part is the fact that she didn't love the man from the coffee shop. She loved the Angel of Death. If you notice when the Angel of Death gives her back the man from the coffee shop, she looks disappointed...even sad. She didn't want him, she wanted the man who she fell in love, which unfortunately was the Angel of Death.

Another sad part was in the middle of the movie when the Angel of Death was talking to the old Jamaican lady in the hospital. She knew who he really was, and she was begging him to take her, because she was in pain, and the Angel of Death didn't want to take her because it wasn't her time. He didn't want to kill her. And afterwards, she realizes that he was getting to comfortable in human life form, and he told her how he was in love with a woman. So she began to warn him to stop and to go back from where he came from. And he didn't want to go back because he said its so lonely where he comes from. And he said something like, “For the first time, someone loves me, and someone wants me here....” and boy, when he said that! The tears started rolling down my face. I know its silly, but i just thought it was so sad, because its like...even angels get sad and lonely!

But i actually like movies like this. I like stories that talk to you about spiritual things. Like of God or Angels. Anything spiritual, i tend to like. Meet Joe Black, is def. one of my favorite movies, and Gabriel. Gabriel is another story similar to this one. It's about Angel Gabriel who comes down to Earth in human form. (Yeeaaaa, love that movie! After all, Angel Gabriel is my favorite angel to hear about.) ;]

but wow. what a good movie. Tomorrow, 'Legends of the Fall!' im excited to see that movie. the trailer looks hella good, so im hoping that movie meets my expections. its another movie starring both Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins! so it should be good! ;] woot* woot!*